Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Between Motherhood & Career

Torn between motherhood & career, I am today a mere woman, with emotions tucked safely in my garage and sensibilities driving away in the car i never did own. The past was never really ceremonious. My future seems more a dream than ever. My present is a stark reality. So what do I do?


Deepu George V said...

Bloggin is a great hobby. Keep it up. I came across your blog while browsing through blogs from Kerala.

bigB said...

Fight! life is a fight.........

RGB said...

bigB, tks for ur comments...it's a really old post (2004) and i'm happy to say that i'm now a full time career woman, balancing home and work quite well.

Ellen said...


This reminds me of myself some years back. It's like being torn by two opposing forces: the devil and the deep blue sea. Lols!

But I survived that. You will .. I guess you already have :-)

I like your blog. It has a nice feel to it. Keep writing.

God bless you and your family.

RGB said...

Thanks Ellen, for your comments. Yeah...I'm doing the balancing act for now. Holding up fine this far. When I started, it looked a bit tough...but I'm doing fine now. Thanks for the encouragement.

Merlin said...

I always like first posts. Thoughtful indeed. I am sure you have taken the right path and the old dilemmas have been sorted out!

RGB said...

Yup, all sorted out. And I'm doing quite alright now. Thanks:)